First Quarter-Conference
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Blair Public Library and Technology Center (2233 Civic Drive)
Blair, Nebraska
Join your fellow Nebraska Optimists as we kick off a new year together! Our first-quarter conference at the Blair Public Library will feature a visit from our Great Plains Vice President, Mark Feilmann, as well as a presentation by Omaha-area motivational speaker Sandy Spady, a service project, and more.
Tickets are $75 per person, which includes breakfast, lunch, an afternoon snack, and your conference ticket. Registration closes Monday, November 13.
Friday, November 17, 2023
4:30pm Casual reception at the Holiday Inn Express in Blair
Conference Agenda
Saturday, November 18, 2023
8:30am Registration and breakfast
9am Welcome; Optimist Creed; National Anthem performance: Don Eveland, Lincoln Evening Optimist Club
9:30am Club and Community Success for our Optimist Clubs: Jordan Rishel, Washington County Community Foundation; and Linda Wheeler, Blair Optimist Club
10:30am Break
11am An Overview of Community Service: Blair Public Library
Noon Lunch
1pm An Update from Optimist International: Mark Feilmann, Optimist International Great Plains Region Vice President
2pm Serving Others, Bettering Ourselves: Sandy Spady, motivational speaker and leadership coach
3pm Break
3:30pm Business session
4:30pm On-site service project
5:30pm Adjourn; dinner options in Blair